Jan 3rd, 2013

Board of Directors Meeting Minutes
Thurs, Jan 3rd, 2013 – time: 6:30 – place: Islands Gallery

1. Call to order at – 6:40 pm
Present -Wes Bloxham, Michael Mallin,
Chris Doman, Tamas Zalatnai, Colleen Clancy, Richard Skipp – regrets George Bowden, Jenny Haddock

Adoption of agenda – Wes moves to adopt – all in favour

Adoption of previous board meeting minutes –
Colleen moves to adopt Sept 2012 Board meeting minutes

*Letter from City awarding Artrave $3000 – Colleen to write Thank you letter
Chris read letter from city –
Wes will call Theresa, ask for clarification re allocation of funds, and a face to face meeting. Michael and Richard available to accompany Wes to meeting with City.

Treasurer’s report & financial statements –
There has been no activity in Art Rave accounts since September, except for the deposit of $2000 from the City of Port Alberni’s Community Investment grant.
The bank balance is $2338.69, which is “close” to our bookkeeping $2273.06
Our fiscal year ended December 31st, 2012.

George hasn’t seen a $300 cheque from Salmon Fest, but then again, he never went back to the Salmon Fest treasurer to ask for it. Is that George’s task?

Tamas reported to the Board that he spoke with Ann Fleming of Salmon Fest and they have recommitted to paying Art Rave 300.00 as promised in September, 2012. Ann will follow up with Tamas.
Chris moved that we accept the Treasurer’s report

President’s report –
Wes spoke with Gayle of Gayle’s Fashions, who is President of the Uptown Merchant Association, and Rebecca of Gayle’s Fashion’s, who sits on Board of the Uptown Merchants Association – Both groups are committed to meeting with regard to collaboration with Art Rave’s vision of a festival in August 2013 down at Harbour Quay.
Wes has narrowed down the week of January 28th and will get back to the Board with specific date and time.
Proposed meeting with Art Rave members sometime early February, after the meeting with business reps.
Wes proposed an annual general meeting be held in September 2013.
Chris moved to accept President’s report.

Vice-President – Michael Mallin endorsed President’s report

Old Business –
Review the membership of the board –
Wes presented resignation letters from Susan LaForge and Virginia Brook. Both to stay on as members of Art Rave. Colleen will write thank you letters.
Wes moved that we appoint Richard Skipp to the Board of Art Rave, as a Member at Large, subject to the provincial bi-laws. All agreed.
Maggie Hodge-Kwan has expressed an interest in becoming a Member at Large. This will be ‘new business’ at the next Board meeting.

New Business –
· Finalize overview of Art Rave Festival and projects for 2013-
Chris spoke to the ‘vision’ for the festival – that, for the inaugural year of the festival the Art Rave Juried Art Show will be located in the Harbour Quay area. There will be tents for Juried Art, a Sculpture Garden, including First Nations carving, etc. Wes emphasized that the Juried Art Show will be free to the public, free to juried in artists.
Businesses will be involved in the organization, planning with regard to food, music, and other projects.
Barry Bruryere’s name was put forward as taking a lead with regard to music event planning. Barry is a member of Art Rave.
The vision includes non-juried art being sponsored by businesses, the city and other stakeholders along and around Argyle for the month preceding the festival. Chris also spoke of a tent in the Harbour Quay area as proposed by Tamas and Chris, that would hold one piece of art from represented non-juried artists that have been displayed in businesses, and public spaces. There was discussion about having these pieces possibly being offered up for auction as a fundraising initiative for Art Rave.
The date of festival is to be finalized at next Board meeting.

· Business community involvement –
The Uptown Merchants Association and The Young Professionals Association are very supportive and are keen to collaborate with the Art Rave Arts Festival.

Discussion re inclusion of representatives from the Capitol Theatre, Rotary Club, Rollin Arts at the
Art Rave/Business Community meeting – a Stakeholders meeting.
A meeting will take place last week of January, date to be set.

· New fundraising projects-
Discussion – auction to be held sometime in the spring – more discussion, planning to follow next Board meeting.
Grants, other funding sources – Colleen, Maggie
Hodge-Kwan in discussion re researching service groups as funding sources.

· Create programme for Canada World Youth workers –
CWY volunteers, Allison Root and Leo– will start January 7th, 10 to 5 at Islands Gallery. Colleen to lead initiative
Task List (to start)
1. Create a timeline of events happening locally and regionally, a flow chart, working backwards from the end of August.
2. Research Alberni Valley Tourism, Tourism BC, BC Culture Crawl.
3. Look into creating an Art Rave Website, Facebook presence.

Next board meeting –
January 21st, 6:30 at Islands Gallery

Adjournment – 9:00 pm